How Many Countries In Asia?

The ASEAN countries reaffirmed their support for and active participation in all efforts to achieve the objective of general and complete disarmament, especially the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and of other weapons of mass destruction . They also noted the recent dialogues among the major powers and concerned States on national missile defenses . At the 5th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers Meeting (ASEAN+3), which convened on 1 July, Chairman H.E Dr. N. Hassan Wirajuda issued a statement noting that the meeting focused on various regional issues, with special emphasis placed on developments in Korea. Once gain, in addition to addressing administrative and economic issues, the Ministers also welcomed the accession of Japan to the TAC and China’s readiness to sign to Protocol of the Treaty of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.

Association Of Southeast Asian Nations Asean

The issue of south–north migration representing a ‘brain drain’ of skill and talent needed for development in the home countries is a longstanding one in the region. In several origin countries, however, the occupational profile of migrant workers is largely an unskilled and semi-skilled one so that movement out of a country like Indonesia certainly cannot be characterized as a brain drain. On the other hand, much of the movement out of countries like India, Pakistan, Philippines, and Singapore is of skilled and highly educated groups. In those cases, however, the movement is not necessarily a net economic loss to the nation. Economic studies have shown that in some cases individuals have a net positive economic impact if they go overseas and remit money back to their home country rather than remain behind.

In addition, the peoples of Asia have established the broadest variety of human adaptation found on any of the continents. Dubai’s rapid growth, warm climate, and luxurious lifestyle have attracted many foreigners to the city. Known as the “shopping capital of the Middle East,” Dubai has more than 70 shopping malls. Dubai has also been referred to as the “Expat Capital of the World” because of the foreign majority that lives in the city.

In addition, a new $100 million project seeks to increase the economic empowerment of poor, rural women. Cheaper commodities also assisted these economies with declining inflation, enabling governments to focus on infrastructure development and move ahead with much-needed economic reforms. The region generally has stable governments that have introduced supportive policies to facilitate international investments and helped improve investor sentiment.


Asia’s population is unevenly distributed, mainly because of climatic factors. There is a concentration of population in western Asia as well as great concentrations in the Indian subcontinent and the eastern half of China. There are also appreciable concentrations in the Pacific borderlands and on the islands, but vast areas of Central and North Asia—whose forbidding climates limit agricultural productivity—have remained sparsely populated. Nonetheless, Asia, the most populous of the continents, contains some three-fifths of the world’s people. Supercomputers, drones, smart factories, and nanomaterials are all examples of the achievements of this revolution. Mobile technologies, artificial intelligence, and IoT may make geographical borders irrelevant.

At the same time, as most South Asian countries are not huge importers of finished goods, many are involved in importing raw commodities to manufacture finished goods for export. Still, cheaper imports have allowed the manufacturing of finished products at lower costs, offering a competitive advantage for international exports. This article explores the economic potential of South Asian countries, and what makes each of these nations have the next high-growth potential. The Asian Development Bank is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty.

Nations like Bangladesh have emerged as major exporters of textile products and have benefited from lower prices of cotton. However, while many energy-hungry nations such as India have efficiently used the recent low cost of oil to stockpile huge inventories of oil for future use, rising energy prices present long-term downside risks. The primary South Asian countries include India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka, as well as smaller nations including Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. Since most of the inhabitants (85%) live in the European part of the country, Russia is listed in our overview of Europe.

They welcomed China’s announcement made in July 1999 of its readiness to accede to the Protocol to the Treaty, and called on the other NWS to exercise greater flexibility in consultations on the Protocol. The Ministers reiterated importance of CBMs and PD in the intra-regional relations and stressed the importance of continued participation of defense and military officials in the ARF process. In view of the US withdrawal from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the Ministers welcomed the signing of the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions between the Russian Federation and the United States on 24 May 2002. They noted the importance of this Treaty as a contribution to strategic balance, world peace, and long-term international security. They further called for the NWS to continue dialogue to look for new ideas and approaches to address the issue of nuclear disarmament.

South Asian Economies: By Country

A new in-depth ADB report examines the extent of disruptions triggered by COVID-19 crisis, highlights emerging growth opportunities, and recommends priority reforms that countries can adopt to better ensure an equitable and enduring recovery. Hints of what was to come appeared as far back as the aftermath of the Watergate Scandal at a congressional hearing in 1975 led by Senator Frank Church – one of the people marked for attention under the MINARET Project. The hearing revealed that the NSA, in collaboration with its UK-based counterpart GCHQ had intercepted communications from some outspoken anti-Vietnam war luminaries, including actress Jane Fonda. In fact, the Sedition Act of 1918 aimed to do precisely that; restrict free speech. It prohibited the use of “disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the US government and its armed forces, and was repealed in 1920, only two years after its enactment, because of its incompatibility with the First Amendment.

The full list is shown in the table below, with current population and subregion . USTR’s Office of South and Central Asian Affairs oversees development and implementation of U.S. trade policy and negotiation strategies for South Asia and the Central Asian states . Above is a listing of countries that are generally defined as the “Indo-Asia-Pacific” region and most are routinely invited to APCSS courses. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Asia is the largest of the world’s continents, and home to the world's oldest civilizations.

It stresses that to be effective and operational, nuclear weapon states must accede to the Protocol to the Treaty and urges them to do so as soon as possible. Furthermore, it notes that ASEAN has been holding consultations with the five nuclear weapon states toward this end, but that only China has, thus far, reached an agreement with ASEAN regarding the protocol. At the 10th ASEAN-Republic of Korea Summit held the same week, the chairman addressed the situation with the DPRK, calling for full implementation of UNSC resolutions 1695 and 1718.

China, India, Russia, and Indonesia are the continent’s most productive mining economies. At the 5th Ministerial Meeting in Manila from 24 to 25 July, the Foreign Ministers of ASEAN issued a Joint Communiqué in which they reiterated that signature of the SEANWFZ Protocol by the NWS would equal a pledge of support for nuclear disarmament and nuclear-weapon-free zones. The Communiqué also addressed the nuclear tests by India and Pakistan, by stating their view that the recent tests in South Asia were not conducive to the full realization of the Treaty. Also on 8 October, both the People’s Republic of China and India formally acceded to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, with the ASEAN member countries issuing a declaration of consent to this accession.
